Meet Timmy of the Month: Go the Extra Mile, It's Never Crowded
25 Dec 19 | 14:00
Amelia Rosary
Again and again, we always select two Timmys of the Month whom we consider to have been applying the values of Timmyness consistently. Muhammad Rahmad Arif (Arif), the first Timmy of the Month, applies the 7th Timmyness: "Assisting others in the group with their work for the benefit of the group" by always being proactive in learning new skills that could help his team's overall performance.
Congratulations, Arief, you're selected as the Timmy of the Month! What's your role at IDN Media?
Hi, thanks! I'm a Graphic Designer at IDN Times.
Anyway, do you like being a Graphic Designer at IDN Times?
It’s nice and since IDN Media is a startup company, I can have a lot of things to explore. Since I mostly work with IDN Times team, I have that willingness to learn, for example, how to write a good article from the rest of the team which includes dictions, structures.
With what you do, how do you claim yourself to be helpful for the people around you and the company?
As an editorial graphic designer, I don’t want to be so rigid and become unaware of my colleagues’ responsibilities. Helping the cameramen to take some videos when I’m available, for example, is what I usually do to help other Timmys and ultimately, to help the company gain better and stronger values of humanity. Other than that, sharing what I know with other people who want to understand the subject also makes me glad.
What's your pole star or guideline to undergo your own life?
It’s just to spit out the three basic things all people may have known: sorry, please, and thanks. As simple as that—we work with other people which requires a flexible and dynamic mind to interact with them all.
How do you usually tackle problems—life problems and problems at work?
I usually sort things out first and start doing the easier and simpler ones. That's way better than doing nothing at all as actions should first be executed, not just imagined. However, as a human being, I still believe in the greater power that exists in this universe: that's God. No matter what the problems are, when we know we have something to hold onto, we won't be so worried.
How do you react over any negative news—literally any negative news currently happening in our country?
As long as I know what’s the most recent news around me: what's correct and what's less correct, that's it—I'm all enough as long as I know my own stand.
Why are you grateful to become a part of a startup media company like IDN Media?
There are many professional and personal opportunities I can try here and we know from whom we can get the knowledge. Even IDN Media is open to any horizontal movement—a program enabling Timmys to move from one department into another one. The other one golden thing I rarely find from any other companies is the vertical communication. I can even discuss things not only with my head of department but also with the CEO, Winston Utomo. That way, we, especially I, feel important: our voice is heard.
What do you dream about?
To be financially free? Yeah, it's what all people want, isn't it? Anyway, the one big thing I've been dreaming of is to have a Production House owned by close friends and me.
What's your saying for other Graphic Designers out there so that you guys can give your best performance at work?
If you design, dig down deeper to find more inspiration because when we talk about creation, we’re not going to be able to relate it with an absolute assessment: good or bad—it's always relative from one person to another one. Keep on producing designs until you have your own signature.
What do you do to keep being happy while working in a fast-paced company?
Doing whatever I like during my busy time: playing soccer, going to a concert, hiking, and so on. Those activities heal the part of myself as a worker.
"Go the extra mile, it's never crowded"—that's perhaps what's suitable for Arief: to know what he has always wanted and to be willing to do what it takes to get there in a constant basis. Helping other Timmys sincerely for the benefit of the group is really the other value he's been holding on as a Timmy and as a human.
Timmy of the Month is a reward for Timmys who embrace Timmyness fully, take extra miles in doing their job, spread positivity (yes, it's all about positive vibe), and have a very high standard of integrity.